Saturday 5 February 2011

Goodbye Blog, Hello Facebook

Hello Friends

How are you? I'm fine, thanks for asking. Really and truly, feeling good: toppermost of the poppermost. Still got a hole in my chin, so I'm not eating or drinking, except for those occasions when I cheat when nobody's looking.

My speech is still rubbish, but getting better. They're going to fit a plate in my mouth which should improve things, and I'll continue to receive speech and language therapy, but I'll have to put up with a slight speech impediment for the rest of my life. Not ideal, but I can live with that.

As an example of my robust health, take this week. I've spent a (short) day in the office, and worked at home for at least some of every other day. I went to the opera on Monday night, football on Tuesday, and the Destinations Travel Show on Friday. Just a couple of months ago, any one of those excursions would leave me exhausted, needing the next day to recover, but they just seemed almost like business as usual. I'm getting better.

Which brings me to the subject of the blog. When I set it up last year, my intention was that I could keep friends and family informed of developments as I went through my very unpleasant operations and treatment. I think it's served that purpose well, and I've been immensely grateful for the feedback I've received, particularly the messages of love and support when I was at my lowest ebb.

But I think the blog has just about run its course, and it's time to call it a day. I really don't have much to report these days, and I don't want to bore you, assuming that you're not bored already. I therefore propose that this will be The Last Post.

Of course, I do want to stay in touch, and will keep the world informed of any developments. As I've managed to work out how to do a blog, I'm beginning to feel more confident with all this modern technology. I'm going to get down with the kids om Facebook. I've already added some of you as friends, and will keep doing so over the next few days. Then, once I've mastered all the intricacies of this new-fangled stuff, we can all continue to stay in touch without having to resort to anything as sordid as actual real-life contact!

So here are ten songs about endings.

1. The End - The Doors
2. The Last Time - The Rolling Stones
3. Stop! Look What You're Doing - Carla Thomas
4. The End Has Begun - Loudon Wainwright III
5. End Times - Eels
6. The End - The Beatles
7. The Last Word - Mary Chapin Carpenter
8. Last Goodbye - Jeff Buckley
9. Stop! In The Name Of Love - Diana Ross & The Supremes
10. It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) REM

It's been emotional.