Tuesday 7 December 2010

Fixing a Hole


Just when things were going so well, a setback. We hope it's not a major problem, but a setback nonetheless.

Do you remember that post-surgery, I had a fistula in my neck, which wouldn't heal, and was the main reason why I was prevented from eating and drinking, until the medics were happy that it was fully mended? Well, yesterday evening, I was happily chomping on my mashed banana and custard, when I noticed some moisture on my neck. A quick check in the mirror revealed that, fully three months after the wound had repaired itself, it had opened up again!

This morning, the hole had grown, and was attractively oozing a yellow pus, not entirely dissimilar in appearance to my unfinished custard. So, off to the familiar surroundings of Barts for Catherine and myself today, where we were seen by the registrar Charlie, who decided to do a biopsy and put me through a CT scan. We're all hoping it's nothing nasty, but we won't get the results until next Wednesday. We will, of course, let you know the news as soon as we receive it, but please keep fingers and toes crossed.

In the meantime, I'm back to nil-by-mouth, in order to avoid the risk of infection. Just when I was getting the taste for yogurt!

Here are ten songs about holes.

1. Holes - Mercury Rev
2. Wholly Holy - Marvin Gaye
3. My Bucket's Got A Hole In It - Hank Williams
4. Falling In A Deep Hole - Emmylou Harris
5. Hole Wide World - Wreckless Eric
6. The Bottomless Hole - The Handsome Family
7. Hole Lotta Love - Led Zeppelin
8. Fixing A Hole - The Beatles
9. Hole In My Shoe - Traffic
10. Hi Hole Silver Lining - Jeff Beck



  1. How could you miss out "There's a Hole in my Bucket"?!

    Tony has a nail gun - would that help to close that hole up?! Ollie does a pretty good job with pink paint and glue too?

  2. I've got my eyes crossed as well if that's any help, although I think that's as a result of a Christmas meet-up with Linda!! Hope you had good news yesterday.
