Monday 24 January 2011

A Taste Of Honey


I am occasionally admonished by Catherine and others for my lackadaisical approach to updating my blog. It's partly, but not entirely, due to laziness. It's also because I have reached a stage in my recovery when not much happens: my life at the moment is unremittingly mundane, and long may it remain so.

Nevertheless, the boss has spoken, and who am I to argue? I will try to maintain your interest, but if you read this stuff looking for pain and suffering, I fear you will be disappointed. Move onto another web site, go and update your Facebook account or something. I hope and believe that the horrors are well and truly behind me, and now it's just a matter of getting better.

Anyway, as far as my current condition is concerned, I'm afraid the non-malignant hole in my chin has still not healed, after six weeks. This is what's preventing me from learning how to eat and drink again, so it's intensely frustrating. We've recently decided to experiment with Mannuka honey dressings, which I'm told have an excellent healing effect, although I'm not sure that there's total consensus among the medical fraternity. Maybe it's just an expensive con, but worth a try, we think. The hole is so tiny as to be almost invisible, but it's still there. We're keeping our fingers crossed that the honey will be the magic ingredient to close the gap completely.


I've recently been speaking to some old friends and have been struck by the impact my blog has had upon them. They've used words like "humbling" and "inspiring", and I've even been described as brave. Blimey! I don't think I've ever been used as an example for others, unless you count the times when mothers have pointed at me in the street and warned their children, "that's how you'll end up if you don't stop playing with yourself".

If you enjoy reading the blog, then I'm happy. That's partly what it's here for. But I don't recognise myself in some of the very positive feedback I've been getting. I definitely don't consider myself brave. All through the treatment, I've just followed orders, often with fear and trepidation. What else can you do? And for those of you who have commented on my seemingly positive attitude, let me assure you that's just the bit you see from the blog. There have been times when I have been a quivering, weeping bundle of negativity.

Sorry if I seem to be labouring this point, but I wouldn't want to raise false expectations for the next time we meet. I'm still the same old inadequate wretch that I always was, just a little uglier from the surgery.


As I am pinning my hopes on the healing powers of Mannuka, here are ten songs about honey.

1. Honey - Bobby Goldsboro
2. Honey For The Bees - Alison Moyet
3. Sweeter Than Honey - Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes
4. Honey On His Hands - Jeanne Pruette
5. Honey Chile - Martha Reeves & The Vandellas
6. Money Honey - Elvis Presley
7. Honey Pie - The Beatles
8. Honey Hush - Big Joe Turner
9. Honeydoo - Dan Bern
10. Honey Honey - Abba



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