Monday 16 August 2010

One Step Forward, One Step Back

Hello again, playmates.

A word of advice: keep away from hospitals, they're bad for your health.

Catherine and I were up bright and early yesterday for an appointment at Barts to have my radiotherapy mask constructed. The mask is a thermoplastic mould, in the shape of the patient's face, which keeps the head completely still while the treatment is administered, and ensures that the rays are directed to the right place.

To male the mask, I was asked to lay on a slab, while the nice lady applied a warm plastic sheet onto my face, then let it cool down, and peeled it off. A completely painless process.

Once the mask was completed, I moved on down the corridor for a CT scan, while wearing the mask. This was my third CT scan since this whole thing began, so I was pretty relaxed about it.

We were then asked to wait in a side room, while the staff checked that everything was in order. After a rather prolonged wait, Dr Sibtain - head honcho in the Radiotherapy Department - joined us, with the bombshell that the CT scan had shown up a shadow on my right lung. Not good.

He seemed pretty certain that it was a build up of fluid, caused by one of my many operations, and not cancer-related. However, it does need to be dealt with, and is sufficiently serious that they had considered re-admitting me as an inpatient there and then.

Instead, he stuck a needle in me and took out some of the offending fluid, which has been sent off for tests, and we will know the results in about a week. We've also been asked to go back today for another CT scan - this one specifically aimed at my lungs.

Two months ago, I had a tumour in my mouth - obviously nasty and needing treatment - but I was otherwise completely healthy. Today, I have wounds in my chin, neck and chest, which stubbornly refuse to heal; I have a deformed chest, with one nipple humorously higher than the other; my face is is severely scarred and swollen; my speech is unintelligible; I am unable to control the seemingly endless flow of saliva from my mouth; I am ridden with MRSA; and now, to top it all, I have an as yet undiagnosed lung ailment. It's not the illness that's getting me down, but the treatment.

I know I have banished negativity from this site, but I hope that you'll forgive me for feeling just a little bit sorry for myself. So today's "top ten" songs are about wallowing in self-pity.

1. Drown In My Own Tears - Ray Charles
2. I'm A Mess - Nick Lowe
3. I'm Alone In The Wilderness - The Pogues
4. The Whole Town's Laughing At Me - Teddy Pendergrass
5. 'Cause Cheap Is How I Feel - Cowboy Junkies
6. Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now - The Smiths
7. Nobody Wants You When You're Down And Out - Bobby Womack
8. Have Mercy Someone - ZZ Hill
9. What Did I Do To Be So Black And Blue - Louis Armstrong
10. I Need A Mother - Eels

These Ain't Raindrops!



  1. Come on, Richard cheer up. It could be worse you could be an Evertonian...oh, sorry.

    Seriously, I think you are coping with this better than most and certainly better than I would. I'd have hit the "Wallow-in-Self-Pity" button a long time ago.

    Take care and hope to be sharing a glass of red with you at the SOPO conference if not before!


  2. Hope that you will be healthy again soon.

  3. Sorry but all I can picture is Jim Carey in The Mask! (though obviously you're not that annoying).
    Ah, wear the shadow like a badge of honour, soon they will call you the fateful 'Illness boy' the caped crusader, battling and conquering all illnesses known to man!
    Negativity has inspired many a great musician, why not write a song, who knows you could be a pop princess before you can say SARS!
    Chin up (excuse me) ol chap, behind the scenes they're working miracles those docs.
    See you soon for a park stroll :-)

  4. Cheer up Sport, you've come through so much already, don't let this one mishap get you down, although I feel you're totally entitled to... Look forward to seeing you fit and healthy very very soon xxx

  5. No top 10 today, Rick, but straight in at number 1 must be Bad luck - Harold Melvin & The Bluenotes. Is there no part of you they haven't scanned, cut open or probed?

    I was going to buy a golden labrador but decided against it in the end - have you noticed how many of their owners go blind?

    Keep believing...
    Barney & Hackney

  6. Hey "what's with the negative vibes man" - quote from some bloke in the film Kelly's Heros. Can I suggest the theme for the next top ten - Fighting and Winning - because there is no question in anyones mind that that is what is going to happen.

    As for one nipple being higher than the other, at least you can be the first man to have something in common with Pamela Anderson and Jordan!

    Thinking of you and your family mate.

    Susie and John

  7. No doubt you read in the paper that Michael Douglas has throat cancer. This is yet another thing that Rick has in common with the Hollywood star...
    1. diagnosed as suffering from throat cancer.
    2. married to a younger girl named Catherine.
    3. um... I'll let other bloggers add to the remarkable list of similarities.

    Someone should give Mr Douglas details of your blog, Rick. He'd learn a lot from it and it's better written than most scripts he's sent.

    Keep being a Star.

  8. I think you have been absolutely brilliant with the treatment. They may only have just spotted the fluid, but your body has been fighting that along with everything else at the same time. Progress may feel slow but it will come together Richard - you are strong.

    When the pain ended and the last tears fell,
    And I got out of my living and bitter hell,
    I found a strength as strong as steel,
    This strength I found is surely real.

    I found a strength to hold onto,
    To help me out,
    To make it through,
    This strength I found deep inside,
    From this strength I will not hide.

    I will carry it with me night and day,
    This strength sure does have a way,
    Of cheering me and making me glad,
    I found the strength I one time didn’t have.

    So now when sadness comes about,
    When my mind is filled with doubt,
    On whether I can get through a troubling thing,
    What is it that I will bring?

    I will bring out my strength,
    I will stand tall,
    I will not stumble,
    Will not fall,
    My strength will keep my head held high,
    And to weakness I say good-bye.

  9. Keep fighting . . the season has only just begun!

    Maybe you should track down the new Eels CD even Mr E seems to have things to smile about right now, spooky I know!

    Michael Douglas similarities Barney ... rather more fond of the Welsh than our beloved Mr P!
