Sunday 1 August 2010

What a difference a day makes

Saturday 31st July 2.20pm

Yesterday was one of those days when I woke up feeling rotten, for no apparent reason. I hadn't slept particularly well, but that didn't fully explain the reason for my malaise. I felt vaguely feverish, oscillating between profuse sweating and cold shivers, although my body temperature was consistent and healthy. My regular morning text to Catherine said: "Feel like s**t. Tired, sick and depressed", in a shameless attempt to make her feel equally bad.

I sulked gracelessly throughout most of the day, reverting to scribbled notes for communication, as speaking through the tracheostomy all seemed far too much effort. When Catherine came as usual to visit from 2pm - 8pm, I remained in my bed and slept for most of the afternoon.

At some point during the day I got the news that I've picked up MRSA, allowing me to feel even more sorry for myself, but at least this had the consolation that I was moved to a room of my own.

For her part, Catherine remained resolutely upbeat, and humoured my foul mood, to the point where she almost had me back in the land of the living by the time she left. She really has gone beyond the call of duty in this for-better-for-worse stuff.

Put it down to six weeks away from home with frustratingly slow recovery and uncertainty about the future, but there really was little excuse for the way I behaved yesterday.

Then today, equally inexplicably, I awoke feeling bright and breezy, almost euphoric, and ready to face the day. Gone was the boorish oaf of yesterday, replaced by the charming, smiley, happy man you know and love so well.

And my reward for this change in outlook was the long-awaited removal of my tracheostomy. With a minimum of fuss, Phil the Nurse gently removed said encumbrance, and guess what? I didn't choke, or turn blue from lack of oxygen. Like a brave soldier, I just kept on breathing, and four hours later I'm still breathing, so I guess that I might survive this particular exercise.

Removal of the trachy was something I'd been looking forward to with a certain amount of trepidation, but in the event it was a bit of an anti-climax - in a good way. Now that it's done, it brings my departure date forward, and - MRSA permitting - allows me to leave the ward unaccompanied. Now if we can just fix this hole in my neck so I can pass the "swallow test", I'll be on my way home.

The only other thing of significance to tell you about is that progress is being made in respect of my chemo/radiotherapy. I've had some radioactive fluid pumped into my veins, and blood tests to check that my kidneys will be able to cope with the treatment. I don't know what happens if the result of the tests is negative, so let's not go there and spoil my mood.

With what I hope is my imminent departure from hospital looming, today's songs are about leaving:-

1 Time to say goodbye - Bettye Swann
2 Go now - Bessie Banks
3 When you leave - Louden Wainwright III
4 Homeward bound - Simon and Garfunkel
5 Come home - James
6 This is me leaving you - Mary Chapin Carpenter
7 Get out of this house - Shawn Colvin
8 Don't leave - Faithless
9 I don't want to go home - Southside Johny and The Asbury Jukes
10 Gone - John Hiatt

Deep Breaths.


  1. Ah ha! Time to stamp on your feet. Two of the very few things that are left unscathed methinks?

    I do like the comment about Baldrick. I for one think the name should stick.

    You mentioned cancer and weight earlier and the book Catherine and you are going to write. Suggest you include Molly Dog in this as apparently she's being fed more 'cos of the etxra exercise that she's getting round our house. I'm not sure that throwing the ball three feet albeit a lot of times constitutes a lot of exercise though and fear you may have an obese dog when you get home!

    Hey I have a song and an adult one too! Don't Leave me this way by whoever sung it. Erasure?

    Time to shake those sillies out and come on home.

    Oh another one, I'm on a roll tonight! Wish me Luck as you Wave me Goodbye Gracie Fields

    Still have the sellotape, blue tac, glue and staples on offer to patch up the neck. Tony even has a glue gun if that would help?

    Lots of love
    H, T and Molly's (not so new) best friend.
    Bye bye Blackbird?
    ... and you are allowed to feel mighty pissed off at times you know. x

  2. GREAT news about the trachy removal - a real step forward I know - congrats. Totally agree with Hell and Tony about it being alright to feel v pissed off every now and then. You're a star.
    Oh and how about Our House - Madness?

    Well, Rick. MRSA on top of everything else? I told you not to enter that black cat kicking competition all those years ago! As you work your way through the A - Z of medicine, you must surely be getting to the last few pages. Your release from the St Barts Hilton into the safe hands of Cheeks can now only be halted by a court order demanding that you be preserved in alcohol and kept next to the Elephant Man for future generations of trainee doctors to study - 'he thought he was in for just the two weeks but...'
    Looking forward to your homecoming.
    Barney, Hackney & Es Cana (who asked for a mention in your esteemed blog)
    * When I say 'old chinese proverb', I mean made up comment by me!

  4. A step forward, good news and lets hope for further upturns in fortune.
    To add to your list:
    Leaving today (wishful thinking!)-Divine Comedy
    Dreams of leaving-The Human League
    The leaving of Liverpool- As currently being sung by many significant members of the post-fat waiter's squad!
    Toot toot!

  5. As I read the second part of your blog the tune 'Let the sun shine' by Milk and Sugar came bursting through. Glad all is looking so positive!
    No more Dalek voice!
    Keep this up and you an Cheeks'll get a job there you'll know more than most of the staff and maybe your procurement skills could be put to good use!
    Got a new leaving date on the board then :-)
    See you soon, all the best.
