Monday 31 October 2011

And still we're waiting...

Just a quick update to let you know that we are still in the same position as we have been for the last month ie knowing there is something wrong, but not exactly what and where it has come from, and with no plans as yet to do anything about it. Apparently, the samples from the bronchoscopy are good but are still being analysed, and the bone scan results are unknown. We are seeing Dr Sibtain at Barts tomorrow and are hoping he can shed some light on the situation. We've been told that Rick is being discussed at all the meetings of the top surgeons and consultants of various disciplines, and we have been referred to the MacMillan nurses, District nurses and now Occupational Health - which is very nice and reassuring but what would be even better is to get some treatment!

Anyway, that's enough of my rant. I just thought I would post this to keep you all in the picture, we may know something more concrete later on this week (but don't hold your breath!)

And no songs titles either - sorry.


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