Saturday 12 November 2011

And now for some news

Sorry for the delay in posting any blogs. We have decided that I will do the factual updates for you and Rick will post the more entertaining news when he feels up to it.
Well now, the bronchoscopy results came back; the samples they took on the second time confirmed that the cancer in his lung is malignant and has definitely come from the head and neck cancer he had last year and not some new primary lung cancer; the bone scan was clear though he may have arthritis in his hips. He had a kidney function test on Thursday to check that the kidneys can cope with any chemo they have to offer, and the good news is that they can. Our next appointment is with Dr Sibtain on 16th Nov to get things in motion for starting chemo. They have to insert a PICC line in his arm first(it is a long canula which will enable the chemo to be administered into the bigger veins in his neck)and then they can start. It should be soon but we'll know more on Wednesday.
We are still maintaining our positive, glass half-full outlook, Rick is quite tired without much energy at the moment but hopefully after chemo he will be feeling a bit better and we'll be able to get out and perhaps see people.
I think that is all the news for the moment, I will post more when there is more to tell, thank you for being patient.
Catherine x

Oh, one last thing, if anyone has any recipes for high-calorie, smooth, nutritious soups can you email me - - I'm close to exhausting my repertoire!


  1. Potato Soup4-5 Potato peel it
    Green onion
    Can of evoporated milk
    Cream heavy
    Chicken stock cube

    Boil potatoe
    Add chicken stock cube
    Fry sausage bits throw it into the pot
    Chop onions
    Por can of evaporated milk
    Lots of salt

  2. Veg soup or chicken soup made with chicken stock. Have at look at professor Bleddyn Jones oxford uni james martin 21st century school. and essiac and gerson therapy and juice fasting

  3. ask dad about the mexican 3 bean soup we used to buy.. its delicious
