Thursday 26 January 2012

Heartfelt thanks

Dear All

Thank you very much to all who could make it on Friday for Rick's final 'do'. It was exactly what he would have wanted and it was nice to see everyone and to hear so many lovely things said about him.

Just as an update: the money donated to Cancer Research and MacMillan Support web pages in memory of Rick so far is over £1500 on each site - that is a fantastic amount so thank you to all who have contributed.

A few of you have asked me about Rick's decision to leave his body to medical education and training (as it wasn't suitable for any transplants), and how you go about it. Could I suggest you contact Louise Evans at London Anatomy Office, King's College London - 020 7848 8042 or for more information on arranging it and make sure you make specific instructions in your will if you're interested in doing the same.

I probably won't be putting any more on the blog after this post, but please do keep in touch - you have my email and mobile number.

Once again, thank you all so much for your support and encouragement not only now but throughout the last 20 months. It has been tough at times but we'll pull together and get through.

Love Catherine xx

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Accommodation - amended

Hi all,
I've just spoken to Jack, the deputy manager at Holiday Inn Express. He has now said that the best way to book is to choose the 'best flexible rate' option on the screen even though it is £75 - £85 because it will be easier for him to manually refund the difference. If you email me know when you book, I will contact him before 20th confirming names to ensure you all get your rooms at £38 as promised.
You have his name and number if there are any problems.

Can I also just thank the dog walkers of Chase Lane Park for the lovely flowers you sent? I haven't seen all of you yet, but thank you very much.



If anyone needs accommodation for 20th January the Holiday Inn Express in Chingford is doing an 50% off offer on internet bookings up to 17th Jan. If the rate appears higher than £38 per room book it anyway and speak to Jack, Deputy Manager on 020 8501 9000 and mention my name and the occasion, and he will manually refund the difference. There are, of course, other places to stay in Chingford if needed.
Thank you to all those who have emailed me so far with memories of Rick - it is lovely to read them.

Saturday 7 January 2012

A bit of a "do"

Dear All
Firstly, I would like to thank you all for your messages of support and encouragement for myself, Emma and Lucy at this difficult time. It is very comforting to know (as if I didn't already) that Rick was loved by so many and played such a big part in the lives of others as well as his family.

And now to business...when we first had the diagnosis of cancer back in May 2010 Rick started making some notes regarding his funeral plans "just in case", which foresight has made my job now so much easier. He also authorised in his will the use of any part or parts of his body to be used for the greater good; consequently we will not have a cremation or memorial service as such. However, Rick requested in his notes to "Please have a 'do', and remember me fondly"... So I would like to invite you all to a final get-together where we can say a few words in recognition of such a wonderful husband, father, son, brother, friend and colleague; we can raise a glass in his memory and reminisce about the man we have lost. This will be on 20th January 2012 at Old Hall Tavern, 200 Hall Lane, Chingford, London E4 8NY at 2pm onwards.

Could anyone who is thinking of coming along please phone or text Dave, Rick's brother, on 07768987810, so we can get an idea of numbers. Also, if anyone needs accommodation locally there is a Holiday Express and a Premier Inn a short taxi ride away; I can see if they can do discounted rates and post details later.

Rick also requested "preferably no flowers - charitable donations to MacMillan or Cancer Research instead" - Lucy and Emma have set up 'donate in memory' pages to make this easier, the links are below

One last thing, could anyone who would like to, write down any fond memories or anecdotes about Rick and either post them as blog comments, send as emails ( or bring them as letters next week. We have already had a few of these as letters or emails, and they have been lovely to read now and to keep for the future.

Phone or text me or Dave if you've got any questions about next week. Otherwise see you on the 20th.

Thanks again,
Catherine, Emma & Lucy xx

Friday 6 January 2012

Richard Parsons 9.1.58 - 6.1.12

I'm sorry to let you all know that Rick passed away early this morning. He was very peaceful, not in any pain or stress, and just drifted further into unconsciousness.

I'll post details when we have made arrangements for the final goodbye.

Catherine, Emma and Lucy x

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Update from Margaret Centre, Whipps

Hi all, continuing as messenger between the hospital and the blogging world, please see below...
Emma x

Blood results from yesterday were disappointing - infection markers have increased in spite of the antibiotics, so they have been withdrawn. Drugs of choice are now paracetamol and opioids - pretty much on demand.

I know some of you have asked about visiting but I'm afraid Rick is unconscious to a greater or lesser extent, helped by the pain relieving drugs I imagine, so it's probably best to remember the Rick we all know and love in happier and healthier times.

He appears comfortable and relaxed, not stressed at all and peaceful, which is a good place to be in these end stages.

I won't blog any more until there is any change. Thank you again for all your messages and support.

Catherine x

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Not good news..

Sorry to have to do this blog -

We were too optimistic for a happy ending yesterday.. Rick is very poorly, blood results indicate other failings as well as the infections. He is still on antibiotics - mainly for our benefit - but Drs and nurses who have witnessed this sort of thing have been very patiently getting us to see that making Rick as comfortable as possible is the best outcome we can hope for.

At the moment Rick is comfortable, relaxed and pain free. Mum is staying at the hospital with him for the duration. She said to thank everyone for all the messages, she is reading them to Rick when he is a bit more aware.. Please keep them coming.

We will keep you updated if the situation changes, but that is it for now.

Thanks for all the support.

Emma x