Monday 2 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Dear All,

As some of you may be aware, we had a bit of a crisis on New Year’s Eve. Rick came into A+E via ambulance again – this time with sirens and blue lights – with a chest infection and low oxygen levels. He is now in the Margaret Centre which is a palliative care centre attached to Whipps Cross hospital. He did have a very bad night on Saturday, Sunday night was worse – on three separate occasions we were advised "this is it" and to get the family in, but every time he pulled through! He had lots of gloopy stuff suctioned from his chest late on Sunday night and since then seems much more comfortable. Pulse is still fast but strong and regular and his breathing is much steadier. Of course, as we always pick the best times to have emergency hospital admittance, on weekends or bank holidays, they have very few doctors around, but tomorrow the full quota will be back and we can see what happens after discussions with them.

Anyway, I’m staying at Whipps Cross so if anyone wants to text me on 07523 862733 I can pass on any messages to Rick – I’ll clear my inbox in anticipation.

And remember, whilst there’s life, there’s hope!



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