Wednesday 4 January 2012

Update from Margaret Centre, Whipps

Hi all, continuing as messenger between the hospital and the blogging world, please see below...
Emma x

Blood results from yesterday were disappointing - infection markers have increased in spite of the antibiotics, so they have been withdrawn. Drugs of choice are now paracetamol and opioids - pretty much on demand.

I know some of you have asked about visiting but I'm afraid Rick is unconscious to a greater or lesser extent, helped by the pain relieving drugs I imagine, so it's probably best to remember the Rick we all know and love in happier and healthier times.

He appears comfortable and relaxed, not stressed at all and peaceful, which is a good place to be in these end stages.

I won't blog any more until there is any change. Thank you again for all your messages and support.

Catherine x

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