Saturday 7 January 2012

A bit of a "do"

Dear All
Firstly, I would like to thank you all for your messages of support and encouragement for myself, Emma and Lucy at this difficult time. It is very comforting to know (as if I didn't already) that Rick was loved by so many and played such a big part in the lives of others as well as his family.

And now to business...when we first had the diagnosis of cancer back in May 2010 Rick started making some notes regarding his funeral plans "just in case", which foresight has made my job now so much easier. He also authorised in his will the use of any part or parts of his body to be used for the greater good; consequently we will not have a cremation or memorial service as such. However, Rick requested in his notes to "Please have a 'do', and remember me fondly"... So I would like to invite you all to a final get-together where we can say a few words in recognition of such a wonderful husband, father, son, brother, friend and colleague; we can raise a glass in his memory and reminisce about the man we have lost. This will be on 20th January 2012 at Old Hall Tavern, 200 Hall Lane, Chingford, London E4 8NY at 2pm onwards.

Could anyone who is thinking of coming along please phone or text Dave, Rick's brother, on 07768987810, so we can get an idea of numbers. Also, if anyone needs accommodation locally there is a Holiday Express and a Premier Inn a short taxi ride away; I can see if they can do discounted rates and post details later.

Rick also requested "preferably no flowers - charitable donations to MacMillan or Cancer Research instead" - Lucy and Emma have set up 'donate in memory' pages to make this easier, the links are below

One last thing, could anyone who would like to, write down any fond memories or anecdotes about Rick and either post them as blog comments, send as emails ( or bring them as letters next week. We have already had a few of these as letters or emails, and they have been lovely to read now and to keep for the future.

Phone or text me or Dave if you've got any questions about next week. Otherwise see you on the 20th.

Thanks again,
Catherine, Emma & Lucy xx

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