Thursday 26 January 2012

Heartfelt thanks

Dear All

Thank you very much to all who could make it on Friday for Rick's final 'do'. It was exactly what he would have wanted and it was nice to see everyone and to hear so many lovely things said about him.

Just as an update: the money donated to Cancer Research and MacMillan Support web pages in memory of Rick so far is over £1500 on each site - that is a fantastic amount so thank you to all who have contributed.

A few of you have asked me about Rick's decision to leave his body to medical education and training (as it wasn't suitable for any transplants), and how you go about it. Could I suggest you contact Louise Evans at London Anatomy Office, King's College London - 020 7848 8042 or for more information on arranging it and make sure you make specific instructions in your will if you're interested in doing the same.

I probably won't be putting any more on the blog after this post, but please do keep in touch - you have my email and mobile number.

Once again, thank you all so much for your support and encouragement not only now but throughout the last 20 months. It has been tough at times but we'll pull together and get through.

Love Catherine xx

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