Thursday 2 September 2010

Phase 2

Just a quick update - Rick started Chemo and Radiotherapy yesterday, all ok up till about 3pm today when the side effects have started. He is feeling very sick and miserable which is absolutely to be expected, but fingers crossed, should be getting less over the next few days.
I know there is another, far more entertaining, blog in the pipeline but it's still in draft form so you will have to put up with basic facts and no song list - sorry!
I'll now go and minister to my patient.
Catherine x

1 comment:

  1. Not sonnthusiastic now hey!
    Well thank you Cheeks for keeping us posted, an stick a finger down his throat from me (in best interests of speeding things up you understand!)
    Rick basically I love ya so keep it together, remember the end is in sight now and you're well prepared for this.
    It looks like i'll be moving abroad (will call soon an fill you in) so as long as you're up to it I'll pop up again soon.
