Monday 6 September 2010

Radio Radio

So was it the radiotherapy of the chemotherapy, or a bit of both? Dr Sibtain assures me it was the chemo which knocked me for six last Thursday, and threw me into a vomiting torpor from which I only emerged yesterday, almost a week later. Dr Sib says they'll up the anti-emetic medication for the next two chemotherapy sessions, which should reduce the side-effects, although it probably won't eradicate them entirely.

I ended up being admitted to Barts on Friday night, due to the dehydration, but I'm on the mend now, and haven't missed a radiotherapy session, which they take a very dim view of. So that's 6 down, 27 to go!

The radiotherapy sessions themselves are mildly uncomfortable, but certainly nothing too arduous. You lie alone and absolutely still on a cold slab in a cold room, wearing the mesh mask, while machines whir and clank and gurgle around you. They play music while you're treated, and there's a calming photo of autumn leaves to admire on the ceiling. Only last Friday - in the depths of my sickness - have I had to interrupt a session. The music generally consists of nondescript pop stuff, but on the day I was really sick, they played a never-ending loop of some oriental version of These Foolish Things, which seemed to be slowed down, like a single being played on 33rpm. I don't know whether they thought this was restful. If so, they were wrong. The treatment takes place 5 days a week, for six and a half weeks.

The radiotherapy symptoms kick in with full effect after 2-3 weeks. They include burning of the skin, drying of the mouth, and extreme tiredness. I've already got a bit of the fatigue, and my mouth has developed a horrible gloopy saliva, impossible to swallow, and nausea-inducing, but I just have to grin and bear this. At the moment it's not that bad.

Catherine has ordered me to write down at least one positive thought every day. On Monday, I managed "Everton didn't lose at the weekend" (they didn't play. Other than that, my best has been "Roll on Halloween!". Any suggestions for positive thinking - serious or jocular - most welcome.

Top ten radiotherapy songs:

1. Radio Song - REM
2. I'm So Tired - The Beatles
3. Cool Waves - Spisitualized
4. Starting To Hurt - Ryan Adams
5. Peaceful, The World Lays Me Down - Noah & The Whales
6. Shut Your Eyes - Snow Patrol
7. I Think I've Had Enough - Jayhawks
8. Tired Skin - Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes
9. Everyday - Buddy Holly
10. In A Lonely Place - New Order

Come on you Blues! (Everton vs Man Utd, Saturday)



  1. Positive thought for the day:
    At least you haven't been billed for young Mr Rooney's extra marital sessions by mistake. £1200 a time? He could have gone back to see that old granny from a few years ago and still had enough for a couple of bottles of Chateau Latour 1998 Pauillac!

    Don't go radio Ga-ga...

  2. I'm sure there are several parallels that could be drawn from Everton's dramatic late comeback against Man Utd: You're never beaten if you don't lose heart; keep believing and stay positive; fantastic recovery; etc. However the one I'd like to offer as positive thought of the day comes from the mind of Alex Ferguson - he withdrew Rooney from the match as he didn't want him to suffer a tidal wave of abuse. If that big, ugly so-and-so can be made to disappear by a bit of abuse, I suggest you start every day with a swear-at-the-cancer routine. Five minutes of vitriol should scare it away for good!
    It's good to be blue.

  3. Given Saturday's result, I think it is me who needs the tuition on positive thinking... But (grits teeth) Everton certainly showed how to play to the end and not be beaten. Something we can all learn from (mind you, I think Everton learnt it from a certain match in Barcelona in '99).

    Keep fighting and doing the drugs - well, it seems to be working for Ricky Hatton!


  4. Creation

    Every thought
    is a physical event
    When we say we've
    changed our mind,
    we're not kidding.

    So, Richard, if you're physically sick,
    change your physics with this thought - I am a hard as nails dirty rotten cheating blue who won't be beaten :)

  5. They didn't lose AGAIN!
    With regards to the music, perhaps they do requests. When I had my knees done (though I was in an out, on each occasion, within about 20 minutes) they asked me if the cd they were playing was ok (the surgeon liked to work to music) and offered to change it for something else from his (rather good) collection.
    Lots of love from your big brother.
