Wednesday 21 December 2011

Best Albums 2011

OK All

A complete departure from all this cancer stuff, here are my top albums for 2011.

1. Helplessness Blues - Fleet Foxes
2. Go-Go Boots - Drive-By-Truckers
3. The King Is Dead - The Decemberists
4. No Time For Dreaming - Charles Bradley
5. Blessed - Lucinda Williams
6. Bad As Me - Tom Waits
7. Pull Up Some Dust & Sit Down - Ry Cooder
8. So Beautiful or So What - Paul Simon
9. Soul Time - Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings
10. Mockingbird Time - Jayhawks.

Keep Groovin'


Tuesday 20 December 2011

Back From Hospital

Hi All

So here for the latest post from the wacky world of cancer, hopefully all my own work, subject to not getting too fatigued in a measly few sentences, which wouldn't be the first time.

Yup, I've had a stay at her maj's finest hospital (well, Whipps Cross University Hospital, actually): not totally recommended, but I came home yesterday, hoping that I'm none the worse for wear. She Who Must Be Obeyed has blogged in my absence, so I won't bore you with the detail. Other that to state the bleedin' obvious: i.e., the incarcery is no fun, and Catherine's a saint four putting up with me. A number of you have kept my spirits up with messages of support. Keep them coming, please!

Among those who have emailed me are my old friend Ian Hine (aka Fat Pete Clemenza), who assures me that followers of his beloved Brighton & Hove Albion consume over 15,000 pints more on matchday than Arsenal supporters. Not quite sure how he found out, but well done anyway.

In recocognition of my return, here are 10 songs about homecoming.

1. Better Be Home Soon - Crowded House
2. Cheer Up, Daddy's Coming Home - Rudy Mockabee
3. Come Home - James
4. Don't Go Home With Your Hard On - Leonard Cohen
5. Green Green Grass of Home - Jim Reeves
6. I Want To Come Home - Arthur Freeman
7. The Long Way Home - Norah Jones
8. My Way Home - Kirsty MacColl
9. Wherever I Lay My Hat, That's My Home - Marvin Gaye
10. Goin' Back - Carole King.

Speak Soon!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Hospital update

Just a quick update from Whipps Cross. Rick was moved to a ward on Sunday evening; his pain relief has been increased, he is on very strong antibiotics for pneumonia (possibly hospital acquired which makes it a nastier version I think), he is having vitamin K injections to boost his blood clotting ability, and he has got an electric pressure relieving mattress which undulates at regular intervals!

When I left last night the blood results showed his infection markers had come down from over 300 to 250 ( they should be zero), the clotting marker had reduced from 1.7 to 1.4 (it should be 1) and so they have booked him in to be fitted for a Nasal Gastric tube this morning as swallowing is still a problem; I'm looking at all this as a definite improvement.

I don't know when he'll be out so I have gone back to checking his emails and printing out any messages of support and encouragement, so keep them coming please. Or you can send any to me of course -

Love and kisses
Catherine x

Monday 12 December 2011

A and E again

Dear All
Just a quick update - Rick had another session of chemo last Wednesday. Thursday and Friday were fine, we were just starting to relax, but Saturday morning saw us once more in A & E at Whipps Cross. His heart was racing, his blood pressure was very low and he had difficulty swallowing. He's now back in the Emergency Medicine Centre and is being monitored very carefully; he's being treated with very strong antibiotics for pneumonia as well as on an IV drip for fluids, and a continuous pump for diamorphine. When I left last night he was responding to the antibiotics - his heart rate was down to 70-80 instead of 120+ (at one stage it was over 150), his blood pressure was coming up, although if the drips were stopped it goes right back down. They are planning to put a camera down his throat again to see if there are any obstacles to swallowing and he'll be assessed by ENT people as a priority.
I'll post more when I know more.
Catherine x

Friday 2 December 2011


So, my sincere gratitude to my employer, the oft-maligned Tower Hamlets Council, for coming to the rescue with a retirement package, based on the most generous package available.

Just a couple of years ago, retirement seemed a dim and distant prospect, but things change quickly. When you measure your life in months, these things become important. I can’t pretend that I wasn’t anxious about the prospects for Catherine’s and the girls’ financial stability, but now I can stop worrying. They won’t be hobnobbing with the crème-de-la-crème, but at least they will have unfettered access to Hob-Nobs.

I’m sure that all of my friends and loved ones have adequate financial cover, but I’m reminded of a dear friend, a family man in his Thirties, who a couple of years ago confessed to me that he has no pension and no insurance in place. This was before I was ill, and I was horrified all the same. My subsequent experiences have only emphasised that you can’t delay or scrimp on this stuff. OK: lecture over, but, Mr X, you know who you are. Get it sorted!

As I’m still a bit too weak for socialising, I’m not expecting to have a leaving-do just now, but maybe something in the new year. In the meantime, let me say thanks and greetings to all my erstwhile colleagues. It has been a pleasure.

Here are ten songs about work.

1. Working In A Coalmine – Lee Dorsey
2. Welcome To The Working Week – Elvis Costello
3. This F***ing Job – Drive-By Truckers
4. Working Man’s Blues – Bob Dylan
5. When Will We Get Paid For The Work We’ve Done – Staple Singers
6. Work To Do – Isley Brothers
7. Man’s Job - Bruce Springsteen
8. Finest Worksong – REM
9. Working On A Building Of Love – Chairmen Of The Board
10. Do You Want My Job – Little Village

Hand me down my pipe and slippers!