Monday 12 December 2011

A and E again

Dear All
Just a quick update - Rick had another session of chemo last Wednesday. Thursday and Friday were fine, we were just starting to relax, but Saturday morning saw us once more in A & E at Whipps Cross. His heart was racing, his blood pressure was very low and he had difficulty swallowing. He's now back in the Emergency Medicine Centre and is being monitored very carefully; he's being treated with very strong antibiotics for pneumonia as well as on an IV drip for fluids, and a continuous pump for diamorphine. When I left last night he was responding to the antibiotics - his heart rate was down to 70-80 instead of 120+ (at one stage it was over 150), his blood pressure was coming up, although if the drips were stopped it goes right back down. They are planning to put a camera down his throat again to see if there are any obstacles to swallowing and he'll be assessed by ENT people as a priority.
I'll post more when I know more.
Catherine x

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