Friday 2 December 2011


So, my sincere gratitude to my employer, the oft-maligned Tower Hamlets Council, for coming to the rescue with a retirement package, based on the most generous package available.

Just a couple of years ago, retirement seemed a dim and distant prospect, but things change quickly. When you measure your life in months, these things become important. I can’t pretend that I wasn’t anxious about the prospects for Catherine’s and the girls’ financial stability, but now I can stop worrying. They won’t be hobnobbing with the crème-de-la-crème, but at least they will have unfettered access to Hob-Nobs.

I’m sure that all of my friends and loved ones have adequate financial cover, but I’m reminded of a dear friend, a family man in his Thirties, who a couple of years ago confessed to me that he has no pension and no insurance in place. This was before I was ill, and I was horrified all the same. My subsequent experiences have only emphasised that you can’t delay or scrimp on this stuff. OK: lecture over, but, Mr X, you know who you are. Get it sorted!

As I’m still a bit too weak for socialising, I’m not expecting to have a leaving-do just now, but maybe something in the new year. In the meantime, let me say thanks and greetings to all my erstwhile colleagues. It has been a pleasure.

Here are ten songs about work.

1. Working In A Coalmine – Lee Dorsey
2. Welcome To The Working Week – Elvis Costello
3. This F***ing Job – Drive-By Truckers
4. Working Man’s Blues – Bob Dylan
5. When Will We Get Paid For The Work We’ve Done – Staple Singers
6. Work To Do – Isley Brothers
7. Man’s Job - Bruce Springsteen
8. Finest Worksong – REM
9. Working On A Building Of Love – Chairmen Of The Board
10. Do You Want My Job – Little Village

Hand me down my pipe and slippers!


  1. Richard, it has been a pleasure to work with you and can honestly say I wouldn’t be where I am without you. I appreciate all of the advice and the opportunities you have given me in the past few years.

    I am sure we will meet again in some capacity and I am also sure that it will be within the realms of a public house, but enjoy the early retirement and try to ensure that the hugely interesting world of Procurement doesn’t lure you back into working!

    Will see you soon and take care.

  2. Wow! Im just speechless. Speechless at how life can turn out.
    Richard, it has been an absolute pleasure working with you, albeit not for very long, but still long enough for me to know that you are a truly wonderful person!

    Continue to keep us updated. I am sending you lots of positive vibes, love and best wishes.

    Enjoy your retirement and hope to see you in the new year.

    Donna xx
