Tuesday 22 June 2010

Breaking news...

Dear All,
I had a phone call from I C U at St Barts at 4.30 this morning - Rick was back on the ward after a mere 16 1/2 hours in theatre. All went well, he is stable and has been throughout the procedure, he'll be kept sedated until lunchtime and then assessed. I'll go and see him later although I'm not expecting much in conversation, and report back.
Watch this space...


  1. Wow that was a long op! Been thinking about you. Give our love to Rick if he's up to it. Thanks for keeping us in the picture. Take care of yourself.
    Love Ann and Steve x

  2. Good to see Sport got his money's worth from the NHS. We were thinking about all of you yesterday and are really pleased that early indications are positive.
    Big Hugs. Albert & Lou

  3. We are glad to hear that the op is over and Rick is stable, have been thinking about him, sending the good vibe...
    Wish him a speedy recovery, and take care, all of you.
    Love xxx Era and Vic

  4. Please let Rick know that I trust that he is getting his money's worth from the NHS and that I know lots of swear word in sign - maybe useful when he sees the speech therapist..........!

  5. Hi Rick, Have tried to post a comment before and had to sign up so who knows who's Blog that ended up on...they probably don't know me and aren't in hospital. Just wanted to wish you all the best for a successful recovery, am enjoying the Blog and now feel almost a medical expert myself. Very best wishes. Val Cox (Neal)
