Thursday 3 June 2010

Through Gritted Teeth

Hello again. Seems like ages since my last communiqué, although it’s actually only been a week. The reason for the silence is not that I’ve been wallowing in self-pity; I just haven’t had much to report.

So what’s happened since the last blog? Well, we had an interesting trip to the Whitechapel Dental Institute, organised as part of the Bart’s operation package deal. It seems that as my operation will involve cutting through my lower jaw, there is the prospect that it will affect the blood supply to my teeth, and the subsequent radiotherapy will shut down the saliva glands on the right side of my mouth. As a result, one of the common outcomes for people undergoing this sort of treatment is rapid and extensive tooth decay.

The dentists tut-tutted about the amount of sugar I have in my tea and coffee (but not – surprisingly – about my alcohol intake), and made it quite clear that it has to stop, along with consumption of chocolates, cakes and biscuits, if I want to keep the remainder of my teeth.

The upshot is that I’m going to have my wisdom teeth and a couple of molars extracted when I have my op. Oh well: any boyish good looks that I ever had are already a thing of the past, and my face is in any case going to be so scarred that a few more missing teeth aren’t going to make me any more physically repulsive.

Yesterday was a return visit to Barts for my pre-op assessment: blood tests, ECG, MRSA swab, and lots more hanging around waiting rooms, but nothing too painful. Whilst I don’t have a confirmed date for my hospital admissions, it currently looks like I’ll be going into Whipps Cross to have the RIG fitted in my stomach on about 14 June, and will be in for two nights. This will be followed by the big operation, possibly on 21 June, and I’ll be kept in for two weeks, partly so I can recover, and partly to avoid frightening children by my appearance.

As a change from recent blogs, today’s ten groovy songs are all on a (vaguely) medical theme. Apologies to Barney for the absence of Motown tracks.

  1. Night Nurse – Gregory Isaacs
  2. Lady Doctor – Graham Parker & The Rumour
  3. Ambulance Blues – Neil Young
  4. The Drugs Don’t Work – The Verve
  5. Hospital Food – Eels
  6. Take Me Down To The Hospital – The Replacements
  7. Medication – Spiritualized
  8. Pain Reliever – Sister Sledge
  9. Mr Ambulance Driver – The Flaming Lips
  10. First Cut Is The Deepest – PP Arnold

Smiling toothlessly!



  1. Don't worry about your teeth, or a few scars on your face - nothing that can't be fixed by a bit of make-up, lipstick, high heels and a straw - and I should know!!
    Nothing will stop you hearing ("how do you keep your glasses on with one ear") and knowing how much all your old friends are thinking about you and your girls. Rubbish suggestions for next groovy song list - "Always look on the bright side of life" M.Python, "I will survive" Good old Gloria - I've got plenty more or shall I shut up now!!!!!

    Love Sooooze and John. xx

  2. I don't know what the problem is - you already scare the children with your missing front tooth - my son has never got over you removing that false tooth as a party trick - and even at 19 still remembers you as 'Rick with the tooth'! As you can continue drinking the song has to be 'Two pints of lager and a packet of crisps - Splodgenessabounds'
    On a serious note let me know when you are confirmed to be in hospital as I will come and visit you. Two reasons.... one, I remember when I was in hospital in Chichester many years ago, after an appendix operation, you came to visit me and got into my bed when I went to the loo - the laughing nearly split my stitches ! That may have been Clemenza !! Two, when I was in hospital with my heart condition recently I appreciated the quantity of visitors as much as the quality !! To explain, when you are not feeling 100% it is nice to have visitors but you are not always at your sparkling best to appreciate them for a long period.
    Keep your spirits up - I find gin is the best. See you soon. Need to get Ann and Cheeks on the gulet arrangements for next year.
    If all else fails - 'Pickle your knees in cheese' - artist on a postcard please, or "small world but I wouldn't like to paint it"

