Sunday 27 June 2010

On the mend

Much better news to report. Rick is off the morphine drip and oxygen. He can have extra pain relief when required (and also oxygen )and he is managing well with that. He sat out and watched the football yesterday afternoon, and hopefully will do today. Still not able to talk at the moment, but the speech therapist is due to pay him a visit on Monday - lets hope she is more positive this time.
It is very hot in his ward - I'm taking in an electric fan today which of course will mean the weather will change!
Oh, the other good news is that his expected date of discharge is Wednesday 30th June - a few days earlier than we had originally thought.
I'll update later when we have visited today.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rick - Simon & I have been thinking about you a lot and are so glad that the operation is over - you can now focus on getting better. It will take time - and there may be some frustrating bits along the way - but you will get there. Just had to get Hugh to show me how to blog (which he did surprisingly ungrudgingly bearing in mind you're an Everton supporter...)so hope that this message doesn't get stuck somewhere in cyberspace..

    Love your song suggested song for the day is "You are not Alone" (Eagles). Enjoy(?) the match if you're watching this afternoon. Gailxxx
