Wednesday 16 June 2010

The Stomach For It

Greetings. I'm back safe and sound after my brief stay at Whipps Cross, with a new fashion accessory attached to my gut.

The procedure went fine, but I was in a lot of pain afterwards. I now know that when the medical profession use expressions like "uncomfortable", "some pain" or "a bit sore", they inevitably mean that you are going to suffer unbearable agony. Also, painkillers don't kill pain as such, although I was mighty grateful for a couple of shots in the bum during the night.

For one reason or another, I've never taken out private health insurance, so obviously my stay was in a normal public ward of six beds. It's nearly 30 years since I have spent a night in hospital, and I'd forgotten the level of sleep deprivation to which one is subjected. Monday night was played out to a chorus of snoring, groaning and puking from my fellow patients. I've belatedly come to the realisation that they probably weren't just doing it to annoy me, but that's how it seemed at the time. There was also the tragi-comic spectacle of a confused old lady driving a zimmer frame into the ward at 2am, and threatening violence upon the nurses when they tried to direct her back to her own ward.

The ward has a radio playing throughout the day and night: for most of the day it was Radio 5, which was fine, but someone (presumably a devout nurse)switched it to something called Premier Christian Radio in the early hours of Tuesday morning. I know I've banned religious talk from my blogs, but believe me: 30 minutes of this stuff makes you feel secure in your atheism.

Anyway, got to go and flush my tube (don't ask). The theme of today's song-list is Visiting Time, because now I appreciate the feeling of desolation that comes over you when your loved ones depart.

1. Don't Leave Me This Way - Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes
2. Should I Stay Or Should I Go - The Clash
3. Hi, How Ya Doin' - Kenny G
4. Hello, Goodbye - The Beatles
5. Stay With Me Baby - Lorraine Ellison
6. You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go - Bob Dylan
7. Make Me Smile (Come Up And See Me) - Cockney Rebel
8. Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye - Ella Fitzgerald
9. Come See About Me - Diana Ross & The Supremes
10. Lover Don't Go - Nick Lowe

Joy Always Comes After Pain!



  1. Sorry about my 2am visit - I was just down the corridor in the Botox and bottom lifting department and must have forgotten to programme the sat-nav on my zimmer frame. Maybe I should increase the anger management sessions too! What's the subject matter for the next song list? We could all put forward suggestions for you to poo poo. Barney - your bed is made up for you - trust you're still a big fan of garlic and foreign food???? Just thought - has anyone got one of those South African noisy hooty horny things the name of which I can't remember? Rick - you could sit there in your hospital bed blowing one of those all night long to get your own back - I'm sure you'd find somewhere to stick it whilst your mouth was being sorted out!!!!!

  2. Hi Sport, you seem to be going through it but i have to say you are not missing much decent football when you are in hospital.Julie , our buys and I are thinking of you,keep your head up and we will see you soon
