Thursday 24 June 2010

Not all plain sailing

Rick had a good day yesterday; doctors were pleased, apparently his flap is nice and pink, he had a walk around,a sit in the chair and a nutritious feed of gloop direct into his stomach. He did sleep for about 5 hours whilst I was there - perhaps its my conversation!
Today wasn't quite so good; a minor hiccup with the RIG - it came out and a doctor had to be called to re-insert it; pressure sores are developing but he now has a electric moving mattress to prevent any more occurring. On the plus side, his chest is quite clear and he did manage to do 3 laps round the ward.
I shall go in tomorrow armed with biscuits for the nurses to make sure they keep a special eye on him. Nothing wrong with bribery and corruption.
Hoping for a better day tomorrow

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