Tuesday 29 June 2010


More news from St Barts - minor setback in that Rick has a bit of a chest infection which meant yesterday going down for an x-ray accompanied by a "trachy trained nurse" with all her emergency gear, now on antibiotics which does seem to have made a difference. He had a go last night breathing with the trachy tube capped off, but couldn't. This morning the doctor established that the wrong tube had been used (one without a hole for breathing) and put it the correct one with a hole; he was then able to breathe but it was hard work. He'll have another go tomorrow. The stitches holding the tracheostomy tube in have now been removed - it's now held on with tape and velcro; the staples are coming out of his neck bit by bit and that is all looking good; the plastic surgeon has re-dressed his arm (where the flap was taken from) and commented how well that was doing. He does have a revised date of discharge which is now next Monday - the nurses thought that the bed manager was a bit premature in wanting her/his bed back - and that it is not significant. Oh yes, he did swallow the blue water and it didn't leak out anywhere it shouldn't - his neck is officially water-tight!
All in all he is making good progress. One more thing, Rick asks me about whether there have been any comments for his blog and I know that these later ones are not what the earlier ones have been (by a different author) but if anyone does have the inclination to add a message he would be very pleased to hear about it.
More tomorrow,


  1. Hi Cheeks
    When you said Rick may come out today it did seem very soon. Mind you there are less bugs at home than at the hospital!
    I have got some 'nil by mouth' songs but they didn't seem very jolly so I didn't post them. Here goes...
    No biscuit blues. Kate and Anna McGarrigle
    No milk today. Herman's Hermits
    No sugar tonight. Guess who
    I want candy. The Strangeloves
    See I told you.
    Give Rick a hug from me and tell him to keep thinking about that blue sea.

  2. Hi Cheeks
    Glad to hear Rick is going through the motions of getting better... Fingers crossed that he is able to come home Monday and help you with the housework! In the meantime I have used keywords in your latest blog as inspiration for songs. With apologies for a couple of puns, here they are:
    1. Ska music
    2. Trachs of my tears - Smokey Robinson & Miracles
    3. Anything by the Staple Singers
    4. Hard Work - John Handy
    5. X Ray specs - Bai Bang
    6. Blue water ascent - Henry Kaiser
    7. Doctor write me a prescription - Doctor Harp's Medicine Band
    8. The nurse - White Stripes
    9. Comments - Henrik Mossberg
    10. If symptoms persist kill your doctor - Six by seven

    Best Wishes to all and tell Rick not to take it lying down...
    Barney & Hackney

  3. Sorry it’s taking so long to post a comment but I have been away and have finally worked out how to post a response. It’s great to hear that Rick is home and everything seems to be going well. I will try and think of some appropriate songs in response to the next blog.

    Wishing Rick a very speedy recovery. Please let us know if you need anything. I hope you and the girls are ok.

    Thinking of you all.

    Best Wishes
    Dave, Carole, Andrew, Sarah & Amy
