Thursday 1 July 2010

Soldiering on

Rick had a pretty rough day yesterday, followed by a rough night last night. Doctors assure us that everything is absolutely fine, flap is ok; neck is ok; antibiotics are working etc but still it is very unpleasant not being able to talk or clear airways easily.
Anyway, if anyone wants to post a comment or write to him I'm sure it will help with the recovery to know people are thinking of him (which I know you are). If you haven't got our address it is:-
116 Hampton Road
London E4 8NR
Hopefully I will post better news later


  1. Hi Rick and Catherine, Its good to hear that you are doing so well especially as it is very early days. All the dog walkers keep asking me if I have heard how you are and of course I am keeping them all updated either with news via Catherine (when I am up earlier enough to see her) or via the blog. Keep up the good work and get yourself better real soon, and don't forget to keep taking the medicine it may taste bad but it always does you good (well that's what my old nan used to say). On that note of taking the good with the bad my song choice for today - Life is a rollercoaster. Hoping this blog goes through. Love Carol and Max

  2. Hi Richard,

    Nice to hear that you are soldiering on, I had a phone call from Vez recently and he was also quite concerned and wishing you well. Please let us know when its ok for us to come and visit.

    Best Wishes
