Friday 9 July 2010

More blood, please

Rick looked pretty ok yesterday, better than he has been for a while. He is now able to "self-suction" his mouth so that now he is not sitting dribbling in his chair - not a pretty sight. He also had a unit of blood to augment his own, this should aid the healing process - can't make it much slower anyway. Talking of healing, Rick now has a new neighbour who seems to have had a pretty similar operation. I had barely arrived yesterday when the first of a series of what seemed to be bible reading classes had started around this chaps bed - perhaps the religious goodwill will extend to Rick's bed and he will get out of there that much quicker, it will be an incentive anyway!
I don't want to say too much in case I jinx Rick's recovery, but things might just be turning around.
Fingers crossed


  1. Crikey, I go away for a few days and this is what you get up to!! Attention seeking - that's what I call it!!

    Just think how much worse you would be feeling if Linda, Tim and I had organised a coach trip of un-invited visitors, all clutching cans of Diamond White cider and vuvuzela thingies! Huge apologies by the way for causing any alarm the first time I jokingly suggested a group visit to see you and watch the football. I'm not that keen on football and the last thing I would want is to put you in a flap!

    Thanks Cheeks for all the time and effort you've taken updating the blog, and good luck with giving the nursing staff a kick up the whatsit. Maybe you should consider buying them more expensive biscuits. Hope to hear you're home soon Rick - the Red Wine industry needs you. Bottoms up.

    Love Susie and John.

  2. All sounds very hopeful. Don't mention the 'Gosling' debacle to Rick, though, it may bring about a relapse...
    Song of the day: Blood Bank - Bon Iver
    Film of the day: The English patient
    Quote of the day: After two days in hospital, I took a turn for the nurse - W.C.Fields

    Tell Rick to join in with the prayer service around the next bed!
