Friday 2 July 2010

Back in ITU again

Just had a call from Miss Patel herself - she is very pleased with the way the operation went, very healthy tissue, very good blood supply etc. She did say the original flap still did have a very small blood supply but she has taken it all out and replaced with the new chest skin - and no Ann, it isn't too hairy but could still cause a tickle at the back of his throat, perhaps Immac?
He is back in ITU and should be back on the ward tomorrow. I am getting a sense of deja vu...
That really is all for tonight,


  1. I believe Rick was always the least hairy member of the Parsons family - perhaps that's why he was always so smooth with the ladies - before he married Cathy of course.

  2. This isn't all some elaborate ploy to mask the fact that Rick is having a hair transplant at the same time, is it?!!!

    Song for today:
    Going down for the third time (for surgery)by Bobby Caldwell

    Hurry home, we're missing your literary talents on this blog.

  3. Hi Catherine
    I'm Ben and I met Richard on Friday via Manny. I had pretty much the same operation etc. nearly 2 years ago at Barts (even similar complications!) I wanted to make contact with you and let you know I'd be really happy to help, talk, meet, answer any questions you might have or whatever - about what's happening now or coming down the line. I'll be up at Barts sometime next week and will drop in on Richard again. I left my numbers with Richard but here's the mobile anyway - 07831 410644 - do call any time at all - really. If you want to call over the weekend try 01730 817 433.
    Very best wishes to you all.

  4. Hi Rick, Catherine and girls
    Rick - did you really have to go to such lengths to motivate us into making contact? We have been following the blog since Ann sent us the link - but have taken a bit of time to conquer the technology. We want to let you know that we are thinking of you and looking forward to catching up when we next visit the UK (April 2011).
    I will get Derek to write some wise/witty words about the football - when he returns from watching the AFL. In the meantime -
    I thought I'd include a few song titles from Australian artists - this is all I came up with:
    "Things can only get better" - Kylie Minogue
    "Leave a note" and
    "Better be home soon" - Crowded House (yes I know they are Kiwis - but close enough.) Love Toni and Derek x
