Wednesday 7 July 2010

A stitch in time

Rick has had yet another setback yesterday, hopefully not too major. Apparently, there was a stitch loose at the back of his flap which Miss Patel wasn't too worried about. Then Rick had a coughing fit at about 5.30pm yesterday, was sick, and couldn't get his breath etc which has loosened the back of the flap a little more. She did come to see him (mid surgery) at about 10pm last night and said although the flap was fine ie she wouldn't need to re-do it, she would like to take him down to theatre this afternoon to have a look at it and put in a couple more really strong stitches at the back - he has got a forceful cough. So thats where we are at the moment.
Before all this Rick asked me to put a note on the blog to say thanks to everyone who has sent personal emails, letters etc. He says he will get back to you, but he's sure you will understand the reason for the delay. So thank you everyone.
If I say third time lucky, will I be tempting fate?


  1. How very frustrating. Must feel like another step backwards.
    Thinking of you both.

  2. I think it must be about damn time for things to start going right!
    Next time you hold his hand tell him it's from all of us too.

  3. I go away for a few days and get back to malfunctioning flaps (something Viv Javolo never had to worry about!), blocked trachy tubes, shaved chests.... what has been occurring! Lou has offered (in her professional capacity) to come and give you a bed bath, something I have yet to enjoy in some 20 years of marriage! Keep your pecker up mate, but not too much otherwise they might consider this a suitable site for the next skin graft. Sincerely hope you are soon on the mend. Luv to all. Albert & Lou

  4. Sorry to hear about a setback, but good news if the doctor isn't worried! Well done Rick for being strong - I know there's not much choice, but knowing you you would have chosen to be brave even if there were other options!
    We are thinking about you, talking about you, and wishing you full recovery soon!

    Era Vic John

  5. Sport, stop messing around and get yourself sorted. We all know you will get there and are just playing to the ref - " but ref he pulled my flap !!" "Keeper, you are appealing to my compasionate side - I don't have one"
    Mr P keep up your spirits. We are all thinking of you and waiting for the "Come and visit me," call when you are back at home. You will be ideally placed to research our gulet holiday next year while you lounge at home which will be sooner than you think.
    All the best

