Friday 2 July 2010

Flap don't fail me now

Latest update from St Bart's...Doctors have finally acknowledged that Rick's flap might not be performing to the best of its ability. Miss "my flaps never fail" Patel came round with her team yesterday to have a good look in his mouth and came to the conclusion that it is a partial flap failure ie the graft at the very back of his throat seems to be ok but the skin on the roof of his mouth doesn't appear to have much bloodflow. She stressed it was very, very unusual to have a failure after 10 days - if it was going to fail it would normally be within the first 3 days - not much consolation but at least something will be done. Rick is going to have a scan on his neck this morning to ascertain why the flap has failed - they will check the blood supply etc and then, after consulting with Dr Dilkes, Miss Patel will form 'a plan' which will include another operation. It shouldn't be quite the marathon the first one was but we shall see. Watch this space...


  1. It's difficult to know what to say that hasn't already been said - I'm just very glad and very grateful that Rick has got Cathy. Thanks for looking after my brother, Cheeks (I know, as his wife you're supposed to). Give him my love.

  2. A flap expert checkin out your orifice!
    You sure you're in the right department?!
    Emma mentioned your lovely sustinence at the mo looks like porridge, so maybe a tune for your list: Pump up the Jam by Technotronik!
    Get well soon, we've plonk to sink... Cheeks you'll just have to wait a bit!

  3. Rick get home soon please your dog is tiring out our family!
    A suitable song for you, you may not know the words so have listed for you:

    Shake shake shake your sillies out,
    Shake shake shake your sillies out
    Shake shake shake your sillies out
    Wiggle your worries away.

    Clap clap clap your crazies out etc

    Jump jump jump your jiggles out etc.

    Yawn yawn yawn your sleepies out etc.
    Repeat first verse.

    I wasn't allowed to sing it this morning - I had to keep my sillies in.

    Tell the doctors to give you bloody good treatment or I'll come down there and cause trouble. The warning should be enough!

  4. I confess I always harboured doubts about the suitability of a hospital named after someone in the Simpsons! Tell Rick to keep smiling through it all - I'm sure he'll be Homer soon...

  5. The first thing I must record is that Catherine’s doing an excellent job keeping us informed. It’s a must read for Adam, Tracey and myself every day. You could spin this out with some embellishment and make some dosh.
    I did hear this operation was in fact an investigation to see how you have managed to talk about football out the back of your head all these years. Nonsense of course but I would wet myself if you come out with a hydrogen style squeaky voice.
    It looks like a bit of a set back you could do without but at least it is not major and if that is all the experts can come up with I suppose the pain is worth is. I wonder if a brandy would make it sting ?
    Tracey and I are off to Gibraltar tomorrow for a week but will attempt to follow your progress from the hotel computer.
