Sunday 4 July 2010

Here we go round again

Saw Rick yesterday when he was back on the ward after an overnight stay in ITU, he is looking remarkably good, much better than the last time he came back from ITU. He has now got 2 drains from his chest, 2 canula's in his arm (just to be on the safe side), a drain from his neck, inflatable leg protectors (to aid circulation), oxygen and a catheter - but he was still smiling! Oh, he does have a matching scar on the left side of his neck, a new dressing on his chest but the bandage is off his arm and it is looking good. All these drains etc are temporary and will be removed in the next day or so. The doctors are really pleased with their work, Ricks flap will now be checked every 2 hours - day and night- they really don't want to do it all again for a 3rd time.
We are going to see him shortly and hope to find him up and sitting in his chair.
Post more later


  1. I'm with Era and Alejandro at the moment and they want me to send Rick their best wishes. Give him a big hug from me (if that's possible without causing great pain).

  2. Catherine,

    Thank you for keeping us all posted with Rick's condition, I do hope that he is out of ITU soon and on the ward with less drains/piping etc. I know he is trying to keep his spirits up but I know that living with Cancer is tiring. Please pass on my best wishes and hope that he is looking at leaving the hospital soon.
