Tuesday 22 June 2010

don't call me scarface!

Rick is out of Intensive care and back on the ward. He is still attached to various tubes, some putting stuff in and some getting it out, but the one he is very reluctant to let go of is his PCA (see earlier blogs if you have forgotten). He also has an impressive bandage on his left arm, not to mention the stitches and staples in his neck and chin which are pretty much as he described them looking earlier.
We've left him with a new notebook and pen so that anything he can't mime or act out he can write down for the nurses, that is, assuming he will release the demand valve for his morphine long enough!
Hopefully, after a good nights sleep (ha, ha, fat chance) he will be feeling that much better tomorrow.
Let's drink to hoping,


  1. Catherine,
    We are so glad to hear how well the operation went. Slow, steady and stable...just the way it's supposed to be. Of course, there will be many hurdles in the days ahead, but we are so happy this first step went so well. Sending all our love across the ocean to you & Rick.
    -M & R

  2. The bandages, the stitches, the strange apparatus... Are you sure that was Rick or had you stumbled onto the set of Frankenstein? Hope he was cheered by the England result. I could have done with some of that morphine in the last ten minutes!
    Thinking of you all.
    Barney & Hackney
